Finally the clouds have blessed the city, pouring down their showers on us. The cool breeze, freshness in the air, the sweet wet fragrance of the soil, children playing in the water filled potholes, paper boats, roasted corn and a cup of hot tea! What else can describe the season better???
Just the feel of it makes you want to go out in the wilderness, more close to nature, listen to those raindrops crackling on the dried leaves and see the forests changing color to a brighter shade of green! It indeed has a calming effect on your entire being. All the daily hassles are forgotten and replaced by a serene calmness. Does it really matter what age you are to be one with nature??? Guess, it doesn’t! Probably that is why when in woods, adults seem to become kids and kids seem to understand the philosophy of life! Such an irony and yet so true!!
At times we have no clue what nature has in store for us! We are blessed to see such bright, lively colors on flowers, insects, even the grasses!! Bond over again with your friends and family over a walk in the rain rather than a cup of coffee in a café and notice the difference it makes! Take that chance and walk! Talk to yourself, talk to each other, talk to nature!! You don’t need a holiday to plan this, a couple of hours on a random Sunday will be enough!! Kshitij is all set to take this walk in the rain! Are you???