I still remember the times when power cuts were looked forward to. A power cut, especially in the evening, meant uninhibited play time when your mother couldn’t call you back with the pending homework excuse. Well, that was nearly two decades back. Fast forward to 2018, when our kids don’t even know what are power cuts thanks to 24*7 power back-ups. The only time you find them searching for power is when their iPads or smartphones notify them with ‘Low Battery’.
The irony of our present day connected world is that children know how to interact, communicate in the virtual worlds of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram but find themselves inadept at forging meaningful bonds in real life including parents and siblings. Thus it becomes important that we find ways to encourage our children to explore the real world where human worth is not gauged by the number of likes or hearts one gets for a photo post but by how many goals you did in that Football match with friends.
Travelling is important for any human being. It is our way of exploring the infinite expanse of this world. Stepping outside the painted, done to perfection, secured walls of our homes opens up a new space for children where they create their own little nests, learn from nature, find new relationships, improve the present ones and most importantly get to know their own selves.
Here are 5 reasons you SHOULD encourage children to travel, to explore, to experience and to be.

Freedom from gadgets
Busy work schedules often force parents to compensate time and love by handing over gadgets to their kids not realizing the true impact of it. Children today consider gadgets to be their most valuable possessions. They can’t think of themselves without them. Adventure trips amidst nature can help them break the vicious circle of technology and explore real world out there.
At Kshitij, redefining fun, it is out constant endeavor to give children and parents an alternative world of experiential learning, breaking free from the humdrum of day to day life. And we do it all in the most fun way!
When children step out of their cocoons, they realize what all they can do. Instead of packaged consumable experiences, travelling gives them an opportunity to create, invent what they don’t readily have.
At Kshitij, redefining fun, it is out constant endeavor to give children and parents an alternative world of experiential learning, breaking free from the humdrum of day to day life. And we do it all in the most fun way!

Team spirit
Our kids belong to the selfie generation. They all are so self-obsessed and narcissist to understand what is team-work. Be it an adventure trip or a family outing, Kshitij world promotes joyfulness of working as a team sometimes with unknown people and sometimes with our own kin. It’s a way to help children discover a new facet of their being helping them grow as individuals.
Adventure and learning
The charm of a treasure hunt amidst woods cannot be put into words and should not be. It is an adventure that every child deserves to have in his/her childhood. Gift your child the adventure of a lifetime with our upcoming summer camps across India and the world.

Sense of ownership
Travelling solo gives a child a sense of responsibility towards himself and those around him. Interacting with unknown people who become friends soon after instill in children confidence and street-wisdom which no classroom can ever teach.
So, let these young souls fly free and explore the infinite canvas of opportunities in the real world. At Kshitij, redefining fun, we strive to create safe yet thrilling environment for children where they can indulge in meaningful engagements through enriching experiences without any compromise on the fun and play quotient. Travelling exposes them to cultures, communities and socio-economic diversities. Which helps them to engage with the world with newfound insights and observations. It is like, learning on the go.